What You Are Wondering

Review expert answers to the most frequently asked questions about your spinal health.

In this section, you can find answers to all the questions you have about scoliosis and spinal health. The information meticulously prepared by our expert team is designed to address your concerns about scoliosis and to help you gain more knowledge about spinal health."

Does carrying heavy school bags or carrying the bag always on the same shoulder cause scoliosis?
Why are the spinal curve magnitude and scoliometer magnitude are different values?
Is hard mattress beds good for spinal health?
Hard mattresses do not decrease, and may potentially increase lower back pain. A person sleeping on a hard matress will sustain greater pressures on protuberant areas of the body in contact with the bed (hip, shoulder, etc.), and as a result, will turn often. These turning movements will increase lower back pain. On the other hand, beds that are too soft will cause the body to bend excessively, eventually increasing the pressure due to abnormal forcing, and result in increased pain. Yet, there is no consensus on the best mattress for the spine. Several studies that compared different mattresses concluded that there were no differences between the water beds, semi-firm mattresses and visco-elastic bed.
Why does Scoliosis Cobb angle magnitudes differ in different measurements?
Does calcium deficiency cause scoliosis?
Does poor posture cause scoliosis?
Does adolescent idiopathic scoliosis cause back and/or lumbar pain?
Can braces (corsets) completely correct scoliosis and achieve a completely straight vertebral column?
Is the brace named "Spinecore" more effective than other braces? Is it the definitive cure of scoliosis?
I will undergo a scoliosis operation, and I am a smoker. Does smoking pose a risk for spinal surgery?
Does pregnancy increase the severity of scoliosis?
If I undergo surgery for scoliosis, will it affect my ability to give birth?
Are spinal deformities (scoliosis-kyphosis) inherited? Can it occur in my children, grandchildren, brothers or sisters?
I fear whether my child will develop scoliosis. How can I prevent the development of scoliosis in my children?
Which gender and age groups are most commonly affected by scoliosis?
Is it true that the rate of scoliosis is increasing recently? And why?
Which scoliosis is easier to treat, that of children versus adolescents?
Can someone who does not have scoliosis during childhood have scoliosis in the future?
What are the recommendations that will stop either the development or the rapid progression of scoliosis?
What is the most common causes of pediatric and adolescent kyphosis?
What is Structural Kyphosis?
What is the most common causes of structural kyphosis?
What causes postural kyphosis and can it be prevented?
How can postural kyphosis be corrected?
What is the correct position of sitting while studying?
Which sports should be performed or avoided by patients with scoliosis?
Will I loose weight after my spinal stenosis surgery?
Can the mattress affect back pain?
Is this or that mattress better for spinal health?
Is it necessary to wait until certain age or skeletal maturity for scoliosis surgery?
Are there any ‘normal’ curvatures of the spine?
Which signs are indicators of scoliosis?
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