Pilates for Spinal Health

About Pilates

Pilates for Spinal Health
Joseph Hubert Pilates developed an exercise system in the beginning of the 21st century. Pilates trains the entire body with a combination of stretching and strengthening as well as breathing exercises. Strength, flexibility, awareness of the body and mental concentration is improved with a particular importance paid to balance and the muscles around the spine. There are various different forms and components of pilates, and the difficulty of the exercises varies.

How are Pilates Exercises Performed?
The exercises are not repeated a large number of times. They are done fluently in exact and specific ways in full concentration while controlling breathing. The exercises require awareness of each muscles used in each exercises. Mainly, the focus of the exercises is the abdomen, waist and hips. The exercises should be done slowly but without hesitation, in a fluent and complete manner. You have to remember to breathe in deeply and out fully. As a result, flexibility, strength and body awareness increase.

How Does Pilates Effect Spinal Health?
Poor posture, weakness and imbalance of the muscles of the lower back, stomach and pelvis are significant causes of pain in the lower back. Pilates exercises are therefore useful in relieving pain in the lower back region as they contribute to strengthening the muscles around the spine.

Can Everybody Perform Pilates Exercises?
Prior to initiation medical evaluations should be carried out to reduce the risk of injury. If pain is present, the pain generators must be identified and exercises should be selected accordingly. A doctor experienced on musculoskeletal disorders and sports injuries can outline exercise promrams that suits your musculoskeletal and cardiovascular level and capacity. Your doctor will also specify how long and how often the exercises should be performed.

Can Pilates Cause Injuries?
It is very important that the neutral axis of the spine is maintained during the exercises. If the exercises are not carried out correctly, they can cause overloading on the neck or the lower back. Back and neck pain may result. If so, exercises should be changed. Abdominal muscle strength must also be enough in order to avoid overloading.

Who Should Conduct Pilates Training?
Specificly trained experienced fitness trainers or therapists who have a certificate can conduct Pilates sessions. The trainer is obligated to know the human anatomy, sports physiology and possible injuries. The trainer should observe whether the exercises are carried out correctly.­

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