Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures
Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures
Osteoporosis increases the likelihood of fractures due to decreased calcium levels in the structure of the bone. This decrease in the bone mineral density causes the bones to be more brittle.
Data from the Turkish Association of Osteoporosis suggests that over age 50, osteoporosis is more common than breast and prostate cancer, with incidences of 1/3 and 1/5 for females and males, respectively. About 1.5 million osteoporotic fractures are reported every year in the United States.
What Are Symptoms of Osteoporosis?
The symptoms of osteoporosis include back and lower back pain, gibbosity and shortening in height. The most common symptom is pain, which is caused by the formation of microfractures in the weakened bone. Numerous fractures occur at the microscopic level. These microfractures then unite to form fractures at the macroscopic level because of the decelerated repairing metabolism due to osteoporosis.
How Is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?
Dual Energy X Ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA) measures the bone mineral density. Quantitative CT may also be used to make similar measurements. The data obtained by these measurements helps with diagnosis, gives information on the possibility of new fractures and helps monitor the natural course of the disease.
Whare Are Prevention Techniques for Osteoporosis and Osteoporotic Fractures?
Bone stocks need to be filled with calcium. Vitamin D should be adequate to preserve the metabolism of the bone. Dietary intake—e.g., milk, yogurt and cheese—and sun exposure is therefore very important. Sport activities help store the ingested calcium. A healthy supportive muscle tissue and nervous system are also important for the resistance against fractures.
Do I Have an Increased Risk of Osteoporosis?
Low estrogen levels in women, and low testosterone levels in men, a positive family history for osteoporosis, lack or absence of mobilization, and drug use (e.g., corticosteroids) may increase the risk of osteoporosis.
What Are Treatment Methods?
The treatment for osteoporosis without fractures starts with physical exercises. As the patient’s muscles get stronger, the forces exerted on the bone will be decreased, reducing the risk of fractures.
Drug treatment is also initiated. Drugs may help with pain relief as well as maintenance of bone metabolism. There are many different groups and types of medical treatment options for osteoporosis. Consult your physician for the most suitable option.
When osteoporotic fractures are present, brace treatment and surgical interventions may be considered. Filling the bone with bone cement or some organic substances are the most commonly used interventions for osteoporotic fractures.