Lumbar Lordosis


What Is Loss of Lumbar Lordosis?
Loss of lumbar lordosis is not a disease, but rather a symptom that may accompany other spinal diseases causing pain. The typical reflex to any painful spinal condition is muscular spasm at the paraspinal muscles in order to decrease movement and thus pain. The spine may seem flattened in X-rays due to this muscular spasm. When the underlying disease is treated and muscle spasm is relieved, the loss of lumbar lordosis may resolve without the need for additional treatment.

May Loss of Lumbar Lordosis Require Treatment?
A spine being fused in a less-than-ideal lordotic situation is called the “flat-back” syndrome. Flat-back may affect walking, balance, cause pain, and decrease health-related quality of life. Such cases may be treated by implant removal and osteotomy surgeries in order to re-establish the lumbar lordosis.

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